Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Possession

Fabian Mera
Mr. Persinger
7th period
13, February 2017
The Possession
            As I walked down the creaky stairs, heading toward the room, I could hear her rustling in the chains. It had only been ten days since she had faded from her actual self. She was the only thing I had, now she’s gone, yet still here. No one would believe me if I tried to tell them what had happened. I don’t know how to help her, she won’t cooperate. All she does is lash at me at try to grasp me. I started to get used to the screams at night. All I can think about is what she used to be, who she was what she looked like, how beautiful she was, now that is all gone.
         As I walked in the room, she was sitting in the corner, growling at me, as her eyes rolled back underneath her cracked skin. All I could see is the white in her eyes now. Then she started whispering to me.
“The night is young Noah, do you miss me. Why am I in chains Noah, I thought you loved me” she said in a whispering crackled voice.
“I miss the old you, you are nothing, and you are not her. Who are you, why did you take her from me” I said.
“Noah, I will get out of these chains”
            I left the room and walked upstairs. This all started with her new obsession, Ouija boards. She loved thinking that she was in control of them before this had happened. She would talk to them, and they would always stay, at first there was no harm done. I couldn’t stop her because I loved seeing her happy. She lit her candles, and began her game with the spirits
“Spirit, can you hear me” she asked.
“Yes” read the Ouija board.
“What is your name spirit, where are you from” she asked
“Don’t worry about that, Angie” said the Ouija board.
“How do you know my name spirit” she said
            The spirit didn’t respond after that, and she had thought nothing of it. So she stopped playing, and came into the kitchen and we had started eating. The night was a very dark, gloomy, and it was raining. We were sleeping in bed, and heard a faint noise in the hallway. It was the noise of chains dragging on the floor, and faint whispering, but I couldn’t understand it. I then fell asleep and then woke up to my wife shaking, and trembling. I tried to wake her but she wouldn’t, she then grabbed my neck and started screaming “helpppp”. I finally got free and ran out the house, but I couldn’t leave her.
            I spent the rest of the night outside, but I couldn’t sleep because she was stuck on my mind. I walked inside, and the house was ripped up. The dog had been killed, then I looked over to the dining room wall, there was something written in the blood from the dog, it read “you shouldn’t have come back, now you cannot leave”. i didn’t see my wife in the room. I walked in the kitchen that was next to the dining room, and there was glass everywhere, and then walked into the downstairs hallway, there was handprints of blood on the roof, as if she had crawled on it. The blood trail led to the upstairs bedroom. I approached the room, and I heard the rocking chair swaying back and forth. The girl that I once knew to be my wife was in a torn up night gown, and she had dry blood on her hands. She was paler than ever, and she was humming a dark, slow tune.
            She then got up slowly and pulled out a knife that she had got from the kitchen, and then started to walk toward me. I couldn’t flee on her this time, so I approached her and she slashed at me and cut my chest, then I hit her and she just wiped it off, and slashed at me again, and cut my face. I grabbed a chair and hit her in her head, and continued until I knew she was out. I then brought her to the basement and chained her up to a huge block of concrete. I made sure she couldn’t get free.
            Over time her skin started cracking, her hair getting knotted, her skin getting pale, and she wasn’t herself at all. She was now the spirit, no more wife in her, just hatred. Now I found myself in my room, just listening to the screams, then out of nowhere, she stopped. I went down and the light was off, and I turned on a flashlight…… she wasn’t there, where had she gone, I went into a panic. I got into the corner of the room, and started searching with the light. I was moving the light around the room, then spotted her, she then scattered out of it, and I lost her again. I shinnied it on the roof and she was crawling on it, she crawled out into the first floor.
            She was standing in the room, and she didn’t have a weapon.
“Your wife is now gone, I have taken over” she said.
            I grabbed my gun and aimed it at her, and I knew I couldn’t shoot my wife, the woman I loved. She continued walking, and grabbed a piece of broken glass. Then the room went dark. Nothing could be seen. I fired a single shot that lit up the room for a brief second and saw her in the far right corner, then I let another shot off, she appeared closer, on my left side now. I fired the last shot, and she was now in front of me, and she sliced me with the glass, and I fell to the floor, as I bled, and then loaded another clip and fired a shot, and I didn’t see her. I got up and kept firing shots until I found my way to the bathroom where I could close my wounds, but she was there. As blood bled onto the floor, she jumped forward, and sliced.

“Thanks for playing” were the last words Noah ever heard.